Hi! I'm James Shakesheff. I'm an IT Professional living in Sheffield, UK. A lover of all things technical, and never far away when there is a challenge.

If you don't already know me, I moved from Wolverhampton in 2002 to study Computing (Networks) at Sheffield Hallam University.
In 2012 I got married to Natalie, and in 2013 introduced my daughter, Ella, to the world.
In 2015 I made the decision to leave the international business travel behind me and take a job a little closer to home so that I could see my daughter grow up.
Unequivocally, Ella is the centre of my world, she is now 5 years old and growing up faster than I would like.
Near the end of 2017 Natalie and myself decided to separate, retaining the best of our relationship, our friendship, and being the best possible parents we can be for Ella.

My passion is Snowboarding, and whilst I try to go every year, it never quite works out to plan.
I enjoy the great outdoors, I am a bit of a filmoholic, but I also love a bit of D.I.Y. and I'm a stickler for getting things done right.
My daughter is always telling people "My daddy fixes things", although I'm not sure I can fix aeroplanes like she thinks.

Interestingly/Oddly many people comment that I look like various celebrities, I have no idea why, but the list isn't short, perhaps a trip to the opticians for a few people?
Edward Snowden, Harry Potter/Daniel Radcliffe, Hugh Jackman, (a younger) Robert De Niro.....

If you want to find out more about what I do for a living, take a look at my CV here....IT Professional